Mainframe Blog

Broadcom: Platinum Sponsor for the 2024 Vanguard Security Conference

Written by Mary Ann Furno | Jul 24, 2024 1:44:09 PM

Need a deeper understanding of mainframe security concepts? Want to discuss security from experts who define the gold standard in security?

Join Broadcom security experts at the Vanguard Security Conference where you can learn the basics of security from subject matter experts with the perfect blend of attributes for teaching: patience and expertise. These folks know security and are anxious to share their knowledge.

Broadcom security experts will be discussing:

  • Understanding SAF
    • Security Authorization Facility is an interface within z/OS that can direct control of security calls to external security products. This is a key component to understanding security on the mainframe. Use this session to prep for later events at the conference.
  • Securing your Mainframe with ACF2, Top Secret, and IBM RACF
    • Learn what external security products exist for the mainframe including the highlights and differences of each. Use this session to prep for later events at the conference.
  • Reporting Good Better Best - Standard Reports in the ESMs, Reporting from CIA, and Security Insights for ACF2, Top Secret and even RACF
    • Need to adhere to compliance reporting requirements? Want an easier process than you may be doing today? Come to this session and learn how you can get your job done and make it home for dinner.

And if you are ready for more advanced topics:

  • ESM trending features
    • What are features of the external security managers that are getting attention and being implemented? Some items discussed may be just a configuration ‘crank’ away.
  • Mainframe Guardians: Implementing Zero Trust Security Approaches
    • Zero Trust is imperative throughout your hybrid IT landscape. Peel back the mystique and learn how a Zero Trust implementation model on your mainframe is within your grasp.

Put your knowledge to the test.

  • Join a mainframe Pen Testing workshop and capture the flag event.

Broadcom is a Platinum Sponsor of the 2024 Vanguard Security Conference. We are pleased to provide support and investment so each attendee can participate in learning mainframe security. The global economy and 70% of the world's business transactions, including applications, business data, and business processes, execute and reside on the mainframe.

For registration information, please call your Broadcom Mainframe Business Specialist.