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    Your Hybrid Cloud Success Actually Has Little To Do with the Cloud

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    Getting your hybrid cloud to really pay off is all about the balance.

    See how 250 executives are getting more value out of their hybrid cloud investment by leveraging the right platform, and how you can too.

    Download Deloitte's three-part study:

    1. Your Hybrid Cloud Future has the Right Jobs Running on the Right Platform
    2. Does Achieving Hybrid Cloud Success Have Little to do with Cloud?
    3. The Truth About Mainframes and Hybrid Clouds
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    Accenture Report: Reframe your Mainframe Check out this Accenture report on why the financial services industry considers the mainframe a mainstay and why the best approach to a hybrid environment is investing in the mainframe - and why you should too. Read the Report
    Research Finding: The Role of the Mainframe in a Hybrid-Cloud World. A 2021 survey conducted by Enterprise Management Associates demonstrates the value of the mainframe as a core part of today’s hybrid IT strategy and reveals why 87% of execs view the platform as a competitive advantage. Read the Report
    Request a Meeting with a Mainframe Executive Our team of executives are ready to meet with you, on your terms, to discuss how to drive new value and advance your business agenda. Schedule a Meeting