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    Defining the future of Mainframe Applications...

    Defining the future of Mainframe Applications, together

    Design Thinking Workshops

    A Design Thinking Workshop is an opportunity for customers to influence Broadcom's product direction & collaborate on solutions that solve unique business challenges. Attendees will build strategic partnerships with company stakeholders and subject matter experts and explore a breadth of possibilities.

    Schedule a Workshop

    What to expect from a Design Thinking Workshop

    Over the course of a 1- to 3-day virtual workshop, a group of multi-disciplinary experts works with you to gain a deep understanding of your team, your challenges, and the context that makes your business unique. Then we partner to uncover the known and unknown factors that lie at the heart of these challenges. Before the workshop ends, we’ll brainstorm compelling ideas to solve these challenges.
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    Work together to understand the goals and outcomes, decide on the right mix of participants & agree on the agenda. Identify the problem(s) to solve by coming to a common understanding of current practices, what’s working, pain points & the priority focus areas. Explore the problem space and identify potential opportunities. Develop solutions by brainstorming ideas, identifying promising solutions & prioritizing the approach. Design Thinking Workshops are, at their core, relationship-building experiences. We will engage with you following the workshop to continue the dialogue & are committed to an ongoing partnership.

    My experience has been amazing considering the amount of information shared in a very simple and useful manner.

    Feedback from Design Thinking Workshop Attendee

    The team did an amazing job understanding our challenges and proposing a path forward. I look forward to more collaborative sessions in the future.

    Feedback from Design Thinking Workshop Attendee

    Lots of technical depth and potential solutions discussion. Broadcom came with the "A" team.

    Feedback from Design Thinking Workshop Attendee

    Good framework to pull thoughts on challenges from the engineers included, and perspective from best practices brought in.

    Feedback from Design Thinking Workshop Attendee

    Again, job well done. I am excited to have Broadcom as a trusted partner!

    Feedback from Design Thinking Workshop Attendee

    Design Thinking Workshop Registration

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    Not sure where to begin? We can help.

    Our team of mainframe experts can tailor a plan specifically for you and your business needs. Schedule your one-on-meeting to get started.