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    An Economic Model for Optimizing Your Technology Investments

    Technology Asset Class Optimization: The Key to Achieving Top Business Performance

    How to Strengthen Your Business Performance

    msd_report-cover-technology-asset-class-optimizationThis report from a new, first-of-its-kind study by Rubin Worldwide reveals that best-in-class business performers have shown steadily growing use of both cloud and mainframe compute as part of their hybrid investment mix. Findings in the report are based on extensive research and analysis using data from approximately 2,400 organizations across more than 20 industry sectors.

    The report identifies how specific IT investment strategies trend across industries and provides a framework you can use to evaluate and improve your own organization's technology investments. 

    Gain valuable insights from this report:

    • Understand how to balance risks and returns to achieve an optimized mix of technologies
    • Learn how to weigh existing technology investments and how to balance risks and returns to optimize the mix of existing and new investments
    • Identify the factors that can guide your modernization efforts toward the best business outcomes

    Read Report

    Infographic: Top 5 eye openers for an economic model to optimize technology investments

    Infographic: Top 5 Eye Openers

    A new optimization framework offers a proven way to make smart, winning investment decisions for your tech stack while strategically balancing new and existing technology investments. Take a peek at some eye opening insights revealed by assessing IT investments through a data-driven model.

    View Infographic

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    Our experts can help you understand the full economic and business benefits of the Mainframe and solidify a case for the platform as a key part of your hybrid cloud investments.

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