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    Register for the Virtual Mainframe Technical Exchange

    October 8-10, 2024
    No Registration Fee


    Expand Your Network and Your Knowledge Virtually

    As a Mainframer challenged with managing increasing workloads, applications, and complexity, what can you do to stay ahead and work smarter?

    At the Virtual Mainframe Technical Exchange, you can raise your questions and challenges and learn about new capabilities and processes that will enable you to succeed. Connect with our Engineers and Product Management teams to provide input on your organization's needs. Building and strengthening our Mainframe community’s expertise will continue to make us bigger together.

    Most of the sessions will be available on-demand after the event. 

    Learn more about the in-person Mainframe Technical Exchanges here.

    Mainframe Technical Exchanges are limited to Broadcom Customers and Partners.

    Register for the Virtual MTE

    Event Details


    Follow #BroadcomMTE on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) for the latest event updates.

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