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    Strengthen Mainframe Security with Zero Trust

    How Does Zero Trust Strengthen Mainframe Security?

    Mainframes handle 70% of the world's production customer transaction workloads. Ninety-two of the top 100 banks use the mainframe to provide banking services to their customers. As with every other part of your IT infrastructure, your mainframe is at risk of a cyberattack.

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    Zero Trust Fireside Chat with John Kindervag

    Learn what Zero Trust expert John Kindervag says about the Protect-Surface methodology, and why he encourages you to wonder: Is today the day? Hear why Mainframe security should be top-of-mind, all the time. Watch Video

    Advance Your Mainframe Security Today

    Run a no-cost Automated Mainframe Security Health Check to quickly and simply eliminate the guesswork. Partner with us and we will provide tailored recommendations based on data from your environment. Schedule Workshop

    Zero Trust Security Model

    How do you secure infrastructure, applications and services, and data that, as part of your cloud strategy, are connected broadly and accessible by anyone, at any time, from any location on your network and off? Zero Trust makes it simple. Implement Zero Trust