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    Simplify the Transition to z/OSMF

    Broadcom is more committed than ever to your software management experience and assisting in the transition to z/OSMF.

    What is the urgency for z/OSMF? 

    Mainframe vendors have been moving aggressively on packaging products into z/OSMF Software Management Portable Software Instances. In March 2022, Broadcom  announced the End of Life (EOL) for Chorus Software Manager (CSM) with an EOL date of June 30, 2023, and going forward, Broadcom plans to invest resources in z/OSMF for software management.

    As the z/OS Enterprise transitions to the use of z/OSMF, you will benefit from gaining more z/OSMF product installation and maintenance experience in addition to migrating SMP/E environments into z/OSMF. This will allow you to manage all vendor product maintenance using a single and consistent application. After the migration process completes, you can maintain new z/OSMF software instances using the z/OSMF Software Update function.

    The current list of Broadcom mainframe products that can be installed or configured using z/OSMF can be found here. If you have any questions or concerns, please refer to our FAQ document which covers the
    most common issues and provides helpful solutions.

    Benefits of z/OSMF Migration

    Consistently manage software from any vendor
    Enable implementation of automation, avoiding the need to have a different expert for every vendor
    Simplify onboarding new engineers to your site’s infrastructure team
    Work with the same community of users, focusing on the same tool to accomplish a similar goal
    Broadcom can assist with z/OSMF software management

    Broadcom is here to help


    As part of the z/OSMF Expert Change Planning  program, Broadcom Support can help familiarize and assist you with z/OSMF for software management.

    We will provide:

    • z/OSMF Training
      • Migrate SMP/E CSIs
      • Product Acquisition
      • Product Installation
      • Product Maintenance
      • Receive Order
      • Create Service Order
    • Consultation/Q&A
    We will assist you with:
    • Pre-emptive upgrade calls with Broadcom engineering team
    • Proactive case opening and heightened awareness during your z/OSMF migration
    • Post upgrade health check of environment

    Additional z/OSMF migration support

    To assist you during your migration to z/OSMF we understand the need to keep current with your mainframe software maintenance. We have made a set of capabilities available to all Broadcom Mainframe Software customers, including Software Risk Assessment and the Software Toolkit Plugin for z/OSMF to aid in staying current. Software Risk Assessment identifies what maintenance is deployed and what maintenance is received but not applied, and the risk of not doing so - for all vendor products. End of Support and End of Life information helps ensure you're running the most current releases of the products you rely on to keep your business running.

    The Software Toolkit Plugin for z/OSMF gives you an interface into the Software Risk Assessment features to complement your z/OSMF workflow, enabling you to easily identify missing maintenance and utilize the z/OSMF features to apply that maintenance to your mainframe products.

    Learn more about Mainframe Essentials.

    Access z/OSMF trainings

    Not sure where to start?

    Our team of mainframe experts are here to help.

    Contact Us