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    A Simple Experience for Managing Mainframe Software

    August 16, 2021

    With the release of IBM z/OS v2.5, we are particularly excited about what's in store for mainframe systems programmers: a standardized, simplified, and efficient approach for installing, configuring, and maintaining software. Sysprogs no longer have to understand packaging strategies across multiple vendors and products.

    Starting January 2022, all mainframe software orderable as a ServerPac will be delivered in a portable software instance (PSI) format and must be installed using z/OSMF Software Management. Broadcom supports this strategic direction and has already created PSIs for several products with 35+ more planned during the remainder of 2021.

    In addition, z/OSMF offers REST APIs that allow tools such as Zowe CLI to call z/OSMF, enabling automation of software configuration. This is a game changer. Those who manage multiple instances of the same products can enjoy significant time savings. Vantage, SYSVIEW, IDMS, Datacom, File Master Plus, OPS/MVS and other products from Broadcom can already be installed and configured using z/OSMF (complete list here).

    While our comments above focused on software installation through z/OSMF Software Management, Broadcom has been leading the way on software  maintenance for many years. In 2009, Broadcom created Mainframe Software Manager (also known as CSM and MSM), a browser-based installation and maintenance tool that enables "everything" to be packaged in standard ways (SMP/E). This simplified many installations tasks. Comparable functionality code for z/OSMF, known today as the Software Update module, was contributed by Broadcom and made generally available in October 2020, as a best practice to apply maintenance. Through an SMP/E Receive Order, you can use a job scheduler to automate acquisition of PTFs, APARs, Critical, Recommended, ALL or just HOLDDATA.

    "Broadcom remains deeply committed to simplifying the experience of managing, operating, and developing for the Mainframe. What started as a founding contribution to the z/OSMF Software Update module continues with our commitment to the z/OSMF Software Management and the use of Portable Software Instances to install and upgrade the Broadcom Mainframe Software portfolio."  Greg Lotko, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Broadcom Mainframe Software Division.

    Simple Transition to z/OSMF

    To simplify customer transition to z/OSMF, we created a migration tool so you can register your existing consolidated software inventory (CSI) as a Software Instance in z/OSMF. This enables your Broadcom software to be maintained using z/OSMF.

    We also recently hosted a webcast series focused on the Broadcom implementation of software management using z/OSMF. It covers the overall software management strategy, individual components, and considerations for CSM users. 

    We are here to support you

    The new era of mainframe software installation and maintenance is here! Broadcom is leading in these efforts and we invite you to join us. Feel free to reach out to us at  and

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    Tag(s): Mainframe