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    Broadcom Acquires Unique Mainframe Pentesting Class

    May 26, 2023

    Broadcom recently purchased EM Training LLC (Evil Mainframe)–now renamed Ethical Mainframe Hacking–a unique mainframe penetration testing (pentesting) course designed to help those from less-privileged backgrounds gain equitable access to mainframe education. 

    Diversifying the Technology Sector

    Founded by Chad Rikansrud and Phil Young, Ethical Mainframe Hacking is the first mainframe pentesting course of its kind. Upon the course’s inception, Rikansrud and Young worked closely with Tennisha Martin, the founder of Black Girls Hack (a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping women of color get started in cybersecurity careers through resources and mentorship) with the intention of bringing more diversity to the technology sector.

    The course is designed for beginners. Attendees need only a very basic understanding of IT security, Python and pentesting. It includes over 15 labs, where students can put their education to use on a live z/OS mainframe–and fully understand how a mainframe pentest is performed.

    Supporting Mainframe Customers Beyond Code

    The foundation upon which EM Training LLC was built aligns well with our Beyond Code offerings here at Broadcom, all of which are designed to help our customers drive new value, foster new mainframe talent, and get the most out of the platform. A pentesting course such as this one serves as yet another way for customers to amplify mainframe value through impactful training and ongoing mainframe talent cultivation. 

    More exciting details about Ethical Mainframe Hacking will be unveiled at a later date, and we look forward to bolstering our extensive mainframe training offerings.

    This represents another way we are committed to supporting customers through our Beyond Code offerings–including no-cost mainframe education, software optimization tools, comprehensive expert support, and more.

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