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    Securable, Immutable, and Compressed Mainframe Data Storage with CA 1 Flexible Storage

    June 1, 2023


    In today's fast-paced digital world, the security of your business data is paramount. Traditional mainframe storage devices are often complex and difficult to manage, and transferring large datasets to the cloud can be a daunting task. Fortunately, CA 1 Flexible Storage provides a powerful solution that enables secure and immutable cloud storage for mainframe data management. By leveraging encryption, compression, and immutability, businesses can rest assured that their data is fully protected while also optimizing their mainframe CPU time.

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    Encryption for Enhanced Security

    One of the key features of CA 1 Flexible Storage is its support for encryption. Encryption is the process of converting data into a code or cipher so that it cannot be read by anyone who does not have the decryption key. This provides an added layer of security for your mainframe data, ensuring that it is always protected against unauthorized access or theft.

    CA 1 Flexible Storage supports a variety of encryption methods, including file-level encryption, quantum encryption algorithms, and pervasive encryption. With file-level encryption, each file is assigned an encryption key, ensuring that no one can read the data, even with access to the volume. Quantum encryption algorithms, such as CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium, are supported and comply with the latest NIST standards (as of July 2022) for encryption algorithms. Pervasive encryption provides an added layer of security by encrypting all data in the system and allowing for key management at the enterprise level.

    Compression for Optimized Storage

    Another important feature of CA 1 Flexible Storage is its support for compression. Compression is the process of reducing the size of data by encoding it in a more efficient way, resulting in smaller file sizes. This is particularly important for businesses that need to transfer large datasets to the cloud, as smaller file sizes mean reduced transfer times and lower mainframe CPU time usage. 

    CA 1 Flexible Storage's compression feature utilizes a variety of compression algorithms to ensure maximum efficiency while maintaining data integrity. Compression will either be with a simple "duplicate character elimination" algorithm or with z/EDC compression (for clients with modern hardware). This means that your data is always fully optimized for storage, making it easier to manage and more cost-effective. There is also an option to compress the data (with z/EDC compression) only and to avoid any encryption.

    Immutability for Data Integrity

    The immutability feature of CA 1 Flexible Storage ensures that your data cannot be altered or deleted after it is written. This provides an added layer of protection for your mainframe data, ensuring that it maintains its integrity throughout its entire lifecycle. This is particularly valuable for organizations with compliance regulations mandating data preservation.

    Moreover, immutable data storage serves as a shield against cyber threats, such as ransomware attacks since attackers cannot encrypt or tamper with data stored immutably. CA 1 Flexible Storage's incorporation of this powerful feature contributes an added layer of security and confidence for organizations dealing with sensitive or regulated data.

    Public and Private Cloud Storage

    CA 1 Flexible Storage also supports the ability to store data in both public and private cloud platforms. This allows businesses to choose the storage solution that best fits their needs and preferences, without sacrificing security or efficiency. By utilizing cloud storage, businesses can also benefit from the scalability and cost savings associated with cloud storage solutions.

    Securely Manage Mainframe Data

    CA 1 Flexible Storage provides a powerful solution for businesses looking to securely manage their mainframe data. By leveraging encryption, compression, and immutability, businesses can rest assured that their data is fully protected while also optimizing their mainframe CPU time. In addition, CA 1 Tape Management customers can start using CA 1 Flexible Storage today at no additional cost, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to optimize their mainframe data storage. With the ability to store data in both public and private cloud platforms, organizations can experience unprecedented efficiency and effectiveness in managing their mainframe data while ensuring maximum data security and integrity.