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    Industry-Leading Mainframe Education: Broadcom Wins Brandon Hall Award

    October 10, 2023

    A new InfoTech Research report found that Broadcom’s education programs lead the industry by scoring “exemplary” in every category assessed. Shortly after, Broadcom Mainframe Software was also recognized as the “Best Learning Team” by The Brandon Hall Group, a Florida-based human resource consulting firm.

    Two strong pieces of recognition in a short time is not a coincidence–it comes from focused effort to provide the best of the best for our valued customers. When combined, these recent recognitions bolster Broadcom’s reputation as a leader in learning excellence.  


    Building the Next Generation of Mainframers

    “Four years ago, I tasked our mainframe education team to ensure our customers could support existing mainframe talent while also building the next generation of mainframers,” says Vikas Sinha, vice president of Broadcom’s Mainframe Software Division. “Not only did they rise to the challenge, but they delivered several industry-leading educational programs that have lifted all mainframe boats, especially for our customers.”

    These programs were a key driving factor behind winning these awards and include no-cost educational offerings available to customers today such as:

    • Vitality Residency Program for those new to mainframe
    • Web-based training for all skill levels
    • Instructor-led classes for experienced mainframers

    The offerings above are all part of how Broadcom provides value "Beyond Code" when it comes to supporting our customers. With a broad range of educational offerings, our goal is always to meet customers where they are to provide training for all skill levels, in formats that are most useful, and we are proud that the Brandon Hall award embodies that.

    "We understand that our customers depend on us for product training and ongoing skill advancement for their mainframe employees, whether experienced or new to the platform,” Sinha adds. “Our focus is on building the necessary skills and knowledge mainframers need to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies, and make the most of their mainframe investments for years to come.”As a result, Broadcom customers get access to industry-leading mainframe education resources which include: (but are not limited to) no-cost instructor-led classes, over 120 hours of no-cost web-based training, and leading mainframe certification and placement programs.

    Preparing Tomorrow’s Mainframe Talent, Today

    Our industry often hears about the “mainframe skills gap.” But there are skill gaps in every industry. The real crisis is more about the lack of training for tomorrow's talent. As Greg Lotko, the general manager of our Mainframe Software Division, puts it, “You can build a talent pool and pipeline if you make it a priority. It's not just a sit, stand by, or wait-it-out situation. The skills crisis is really about inaction. Those who take action with a plan will get the talent they need today and well into the future.”

    In other words: Need skills? No problem. If building skills resiliency is a priority for organizations, strong educational tools are the answer. That’s why these no-cost offerings are so important. They help our customers build, support, and grow a sustainable pipeline of mainframe talent. We see the value of these educational offerings firsthand given the exponential growth of customers taking advantage of them- for example, we’ve seen web-based training consumption expand 25x since becoming a no-cost offering.

    It’s nice to be recognized as a leading educator in the mainframe industry, but this award wouldn’t have happened without the many mainframers who enable and deploy the offerings and loyal customers who use the value-added educational resources for their own benefit.

    While technology makes our lives better, it wouldn’t be possible without the people behind it. We thank our customers for teaching us as much as we hopefully teach them through these award-winning programs.

    Want access to industry-leading mainframe education for you and your team? Click here to learn more.